We tend to think that when it comes to showing the numbers quickly and concisely, infographics can be a tad hit and miss.
This one by Mashable, however, we did find quite interesting.
Have a look and see what you think:
Some staggering statistics there, we’re sure you’ll agree.
In particular, we’re drawn to the two bottom figures, one which tells us that 90 million Americans access email through a mobile device and that 27% of emails are opened on a mobile device.
This isn’t as surprising as it is a confirmation of how the internet, and the way we use it, is changing.
And because of this, email marketing is changing too. Campaigns are created around responsive designs that are fully compatible with smartphones and tablets, along with desktop and laptop computers, for maximum impact from your mailing list.
It’s one of the reasons why we were determined to create our corporate ecard website as fully compatible with all mainstream mobile and handheld technology – with more and more emails being sent every single day, compatibility issues are simply not a good enough excuse to lose out to the competition.
Of the 89 billion business emails that will be sent today, make sure yours don’t go unnoticed.
Check out our business e cards now.