So you've acquired your customers, now you have to retain them. Keeping your customers happy requires your actions to speak louder than your words. Don't just recognise that they're a great customer, reward them for it. Discount codes, vouchers, loyalty cards and gifts are all ways you can show your customers you value their business. When you send …
So you’ve acquired your customers, now you have to retain them. Keeping your customers happy requires your actions to speak louder than your words. Don’t just recognise that they’re a great customer, reward them for it.
Discount codes, vouchers, loyalty cards and gifts are all ways you can show your customers you value their business. When you send one of our appreciation company ecards, there’s space for you to add a thank you message and details of a reward for their loyalty. Not only that, add your social media buttons and increase your following.
Sending a corporate ecard to recognise and reward your customers won’t just help you retain them, it’ll boost their loyalty and the credibility of your brand.